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Cubase is a digital audio workstation developed by Steinberg for music and MIDI recording, arranging and editing. The first version, which was originally only a MIDI sequencer and ran on the Atari ST computer, was released in 1989

m-audio octane channels not appearing in cubase

I am using a m-audio octane connected to a firewire 1814 via toslink to record various tracks into Cubase sx2. Recently, when setting up the channels in the vst connections, I noticed that Cubase no longer recognises all of the optical channels but only recognises the first two. Has anyone come across this problem before?
Thanks in advance

Cubase LE EMU 1820

I'm recording an acoustic electric and using a sure microphone, when recording I have very low volume on the mic, co I adjust it so that the guitar does not flood out the vocals, however the volume is extremely low. Is there a way to turn up the final project before burning it to a CD which would require extremely excessive use of volume in the car or wherever?