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Cubase is a digital audio workstation developed by Steinberg for music and MIDI recording, arranging and editing. The first version, which was originally only a MIDI sequencer and ran on the Atari ST computer, was released in 1989

I don't understand buffer size with Cubase LE

What exactly is the buffer size? For instance, I have the M-Audio Firewire 410 and in the software interface I can change the buffer size down to 64, and this gives me a low latency in Guitar Rig 2. However, when I raise it I get a higher latency. I figured a buffer meant how much memory is allocated to a specific task, and if there is more memory, shouldn't I have less latency?

Adobe Audition to Cubase

A friend of mine has asked me to mix in Cubase SX3 a project he recorded in Adobe Audition.

The thing is, the project is very poorly recorded.
what i mean is, no actual set recording blocks. Sets the timer a few seconds before each section and records. Editing is a nightmare to make them line up. (I'm adding my own Drumkit from hell superior drums).

Cubase LE problems.


I'm really knew to recording, i hope to be able to eventually just record really solid demos for my band.

I have a fire pod, a pretty nice comp and some mics.

My problem is in my software, When i check VST inputs it shows me 1-8 like it shoudl with my fire pod, but it will only let me assign audio tracks to input 1 or 2.

any one else had this problem?

Recording midi notes generated by Arpache5 in Cubase SX

i am using the Arpache 5 midi plugin in Cubase SX. I can hear the arpeggiated notes but would like to record them on a different track so i can view what notes and in what octave they are generated. How can i redirect the output from the Arpache to another midi track. I have tried using the Arpache both as an inser and a send effect.

Mackie Onyx 1620 W/Firewire & Cubase

Hey everyone,
I just picked up this wonderful board with the firewire card and I'm using it with cubase. Its working really good, most of the time. Im having a few very light pops every now and then on the playback, I'm not too sure if it is occurring during recording. I've adjust my latency a few times and its gotten better, but it could be better still.