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Difference between DAT and DDS Cartridge?

I do recordings on location to a 2-track Sony dat tape deck. I also work in the it business, where we use DDS (Digital Data Storage) tapes for system backups.

What is the difference between this two cartrigdes, Digital Audio Tapes (DAT) and DDS Tapes as mentioned above? Is there any difference in quality?

Both of them seems to work fine with my tape deck?

soundcard to DAT via spdif?

I'm trying to record digitally to my DAT machine a Sony 670 from my mac computer using a Delta 1010 card via the S/PDIF coaxil connection.The only way i've got it to work so far is using 48Khz sample rate,but my material is all recorded at 44.1Khz.The DAT machine is able to record at 44.1Khz(according to the manual),but i can't get it to work at that sample rate.


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