Panasonic Sv-255 field DAT question
So I picked up one of these for $25. The tape compenent is fine, it loads, plays, rewinds and does it cleanly and quietly. My problem is that when I go to record, I get a loud screaming noise. It will produce it under any recording condition, even with the recording level at 0.
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Converting DAT recordings to computer files
I need to make some fairly high quality speech audio recordings at 16KHz, 16 bit linear audio format (*.raw).
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Bounce Down to DAT or CD-R?
I'm currently working on a project and I'll be sending it off to get mastered in the near future. So what should I bounce it down to, DAT or CD-R? I'm currently working in 24/48.
I've heard that DAT has lower error rates than CD-R, but as far as I know DAT's are only 16 bit, right?
If DAT is the preffered media. .
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Difference between DAT and DDS Cartridge?
I do recordings on location to a 2-track Sony dat tape deck. I also work in the it business, where we use DDS (Digital Data Storage) tapes for system backups.
What is the difference between this two cartrigdes, Digital Audio Tapes (DAT) and DDS Tapes as mentioned above? Is there any difference in quality?
Both of them seems to work fine with my tape deck?
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Proj Stu Pre Master: DAT or CD-RW?
Would there be any negligible difference between mastering to a DAT machine as apposed to a home stereo CD-RW machine? Or if the CD-RW were the only medium a person had would it suffice? Strengths, weaknesses?
Dat: strength, weaknesses?
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soundcard to DAT via spdif?
I'm trying to record digitally to my DAT machine a Sony 670 from my mac computer using a Delta 1010 card via the S/PDIF coaxil connection.The only way i've got it to work so far is using 48Khz sample rate,but my material is all recorded at 44.1Khz.The DAT machine is able to record at 44.1Khz(according to the manual),but i can't get it to work at that sample rate.
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Tascam dat machine
Hi, I have a digi 001 project studio and have an opportunity to get a tasacm dat machine in exchange for some audio sevices. In what way can I use the dat. ( mixing etc.) is it worth it?. How are people using dat machines in their studio? Thanks for any info.
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Audio goes to 2 track DAT in the digital domain at 20 bi
I was searching for a good price on a Studio Projects C3 and came across this http://pw1.netcom.c…"]website[/]="http://pw1.netcom.c…"]website[/] that states "Audio goes to 2 track DAT in the digital domain at 20 bits,