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From Dynamic To Condenser Mic

I currently own a SM57 mic which i record my vocals with into Pro Tools...and I'm considering purchasing a AT 40/50 microphone...i dont have a booth..or fact the room i record in is about the size of an average bedroom but without a closet...with my SM57 it normally didnt pick up to much of the room and my vocals usually came out sounding decent...but I'm seeking the vocal transpar

Controlling dynamic vocalist

Any advice on controlling a dynamic vocalist?

My signal chain is:
Soundelux ifet7 in "V" mode
Langevin Dual Vocal Combo
Digi 002R - Pro Tools LE 6.9

Female vocalist that has some very quiet parts and then some VERY loud parts (i.e. belts). I try to get the hottest signal possible, but in order to avoid digital overs, I have to keep the signal quiet.

Dynamic Mics

Hey Guys,

The Mic i've been using for live applications just doesn't seem to be cutting it. I primarly use an AT814a and also a Shure SM57.

The problem with the 57 is it picks up too much poping of P's and if i stand back that just creates other problems.

The AT814 seems too muffled and dirty, maybe its just the sound guy running the board...

tips on creating very present/dynamic vocal sound in a mix

Im looking for that very expensive vocal sound in the mix, used on many records you hear on the radio. I have the equipment that should take me there. I have 2x 4040s and a Marshall electronics tube condenser with nice preamps. Any VST plugins or other tips to make the vocals sound right in your face with a very full/present sound. thanks