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Desktop mic records two channel...dynamic mic records one

Why I record with Fraps (or simply unmute mic) does my cheap desktop mic from Best Buy record and two channels and my AKG D5 dynamic mic only record left channel? I can switch mics while recording and it will switch between the one channel and two. The problem could be my cable connection into the sound card. My mic cable on the D5 is a xlr.

Thoughts on dynamic EQ's

I am looking at getting a dynamic EQ, quite possibly Voxengo's GlissEQ, but I do not have a complete understanding of the dynamic aspect. My best interpretation from what I have read is that if the dynamic function is fully engaged, the EQ (say if there is a boost at 2Khz) will only be applied to the peaks and not the average content at that frequency. Is this correct?

Dynamic Range

Dynamic Range - The difference between the loudest and quietest signal levels in a system. In an audio device, usually the difference between the maximum output level and the residual noise floor. In a digital system, the available dynamic range is determined by the data resolution, about 6 dB per digital bit.

do you guys use a pop screen when recording vocals with a dynamic microphone?

such as the sm57? got a friend coming in who insists on using the sm57 for recording his voice and i've never recorded vocals with it before. should i let him sing right on top of the mic with his lips touching the grill like he does at live shows? or should i try to get him to back off 6 inches or so like with condensers ? should i use a pop screen?