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Help with Routing outboard effects to digi002

Hi there, I am having probs with routing my out board fx to my 002.
I have a Soundtracs Topaz console 32 ch, urei compressors,roland tape machines, a fairchild reverb unit & a ANT w695b eq + a host of other
analog equip.
Want I want to do is use my original tracks and re record them in realtime using my effects as we produce dub style music.

Digi002/outboard compressor question

IF I want to add compression with an outboard compressor post tracking, do I *HAVE* to run the line out of digi002 to the compressor and back into a new track in Protools?

OR is there a way to insert the compressor into the signal chain of the pro tools track and bypass(or not) at will similar to plugins?


Help with digi002 and mixing board setup

hi all. just had a question. Im a little new at this so understand. lol. anyways. I am trying to have a configuration where i can record drums guitar bass and vocals, but have the capability of using a mixing board for the mix after the recording is already made. specially drums. Only because plugins are dragging my comp down.


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