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Edirol Fa101, Audiophile 410 or Other Suggestions


I am checking firewire audio interfaces for my lap top right now and I found Edirol Fa101 and Audiophile 410. Their prices are at the same level and they seem to be able to satisfy my needs. Do anyone have experience on these products? I have also checked Mbox but that one doesn't have the midi inputs. I am open to every suggestion between 400-700 USD price range.

Hi have Edirol DA PCI 2496. Experiencing hiss. Please Help

Just joined. I am building a small project studio. I have a problem with hiss even when gains are turned all the way down. Is this common with the Edirol DA PCI 2496. How can I stop hiss.

Also can anyone recommend a good budget stereo compressor for recording a motif 6 synth pads, bass and percussion into computer.

