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Hiss from live concert halls

I'm wondering if there is any way to eliminate the high-freq hiss that is picked up when recording in live concert halls. There may be no way considering my set-up: 2 dynamic cardiod mics placed X stereo running into a Boss Br-864 (portable digital 8track recorder). I currently use the "hiss reduction" function in Adobe Audition to eliminate most of it...

Hiss with Nady RSM-1

Hello, I'm very new to, but I love the family sense that I see around the site so I already feel at home.

This is the problem I'm having. I bought a Nady RSM-1 ribbon mic a couple of months ago and I'm working on starting up a home studio. Well, home studio is putting it loosely. It's more like a hole in the wall...almost.

my at2020 gives me nothing but hiss and very low signal

Recently we have had rediculous amounts of rain and humidity in my town, i have a home studio/practice space in my basement which tends to get a little humid unfortunately. last week my friend and I sat down to do some acoustic recording. i put the at2020 in front his guitar. when i turned on my Behringer mixer all i got from the mic was hiss.

Hissing speakers when something plugged into FireWire ports

I have a pair of Event TR-8s that are connected to my Powerbook G4 and they emit a very audible hiss (like exagerated tape hiss) when I have something connected to my Powerbook's FireWire ports. As soon as I disconnect the FireWire cable it goes away.

I have an external FireWire HD that hosts some of my sample and audio libraries and need to have connected while I work.


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