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Loudness level in mastering?

This is somewhat related to the previous thread on dynamic range, but with a twist.

I was just marvelling (not) over the amazing loudness difference between some older re-mastered analog Decca recordings (fairly hot), a Dorian release of early music (VERY hot-- turned it down at least 12dB for comfort), and some tasty things from EMI and Nimbus.

Mastering compressor: color vs. . transparent?

Hi guys. I read a while back about you guys using two compressors when mastering. A "colored" comp to add some flavor to the mix and then a Clean compressor to level everything out. Im just curiouse which compressors do you consider right for this type of jobs. Mention some brands and in what category would they fall ?

-Mastering mainly heavy rock music.
-forget about budget

Looking for mastering work

I will be needing some mastering done on several albums very soon, this seems like a place that has many people who really know what they're talking about and doing. My only question is does anyone here have a lot of experience mastering hip hop & r&b music, and if so a couple questions for you. How much do u charge, how do u preffer the songs when they come to u?