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MIDISPORT 8x8 won't work with PT le 7.3 - whats wrong

I keep gettng the error ran out of 82 byte tokens then the computer freezes up and I have to manually reboot whenever I use the Mackie control universal going through the MIDISPORT. If I take the midisport out of the chain, no problems. when I use it with Cubase 4, no problems. Im using a PC with windows XP. can anyone help


I realize this isn't a recording question, but I figured that acoustic recording buffs might have a lot of acoustic instruments and if so it is humidifier season here in the Northern hemisphere. I was getting ready to order filters for my old Honeywells and thought for a minute I was going to have to get a new humidifier.

Guitar midi pickups

Does any one know any recommend guitar midi pickups?

I'm trying to find one which is able to pick up notes well even at a fair speed and also be able to single string pickup as well (meaning you can select one or just a few strings that the pickup will turn to midi).

I been looking for one for ages but no one I know has had/used one to give me their opinions on it...

Pro Tools LE 7.3.1 midi delay controlling Korg Triton synth

Greetings, I am using a Power Mac G5 dual 1.8, Digi 002 console with Pro Tools L.E 7.3.1 I have my Korg Triton classic set as slave and the Digi 002 console as the master. As I press record on the Digi 002 which starts the Korg Triton to begin to play the audio into Pro Tools there is a slight delay a little off from the sync time and the song is slightly dragging..

Could anyone give me a few quick midi tips for Pro-tools le?

Hello. I'm wanting to know a few quick tips on using the midi piano roll in pro-tools. I understand the basics, I've been using sequencers for years but this one just seems really clunky. I feel that there are guidlines I should know before deeming it so quickly. Afterall it's currently the only midi environment I own.