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Acoustic guitar thru MOTU 896HD

I'm trying to get a good acoustic guitar sound while recording through my 896hd. However, I need to turn the gain up on the preamp so high that even when I'm getting a moderately good level (not clipping on my MOTU or in Logic), it sounds massively distorted, like very harsh clipping or something similar. I've tried different mics, different mic placements, different mic cords, etc.

MOTU 828 Quest

Im having a problem hearing my vocals through the head phones while recording...I can hear the play back of the instrumental, but I can't hear the vocals. I have the mic L up to -.1db close to 0db's I can also see my vocals being recorded and hear them during playback?



Few months ago I bought MOTU 828 MKII. I'm very satisfied with it but
recently I heard that MOTU 828 MKII is much worst than RME Fireface. I know RME has more inputs and outputs but tell me does it really sound worst? What are the differences between them?

Thanks for help

Perlazza from Poland


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