DIGI002 and Mackie ONYX 800R
Hey guys i have digi002 and i want more inputs you know to record more musicians at the same time. digi002 gives out only 4 pres so iw as wondering if i can buy Mackie ONYX 800R a suitable mic preamp amp in my budget...the thing that i wanna know and understand it says Toslink ADAT Light pipe output..wht does exactly it means.
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Mackie 24.8?
does anyone know if there is a way to bypass the triple busing on a Mackie 24.8 console?
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Connecting Mackie with K Audio Hybrid phone patch
I'm looking for the best way to connect a JK Audio Hybrid phone patch with a Mackie 1202 VLZ Pro so when I speak into the mic the other party can hear me and I can hear him through my headphones. My gear list includes Delta 44, Symetrix 528E, 1202 and JK patch. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Mackie Onyx/Delta1010
Hey everyone,
I have a quick question about compatability and basic common sense. I have a Mackie onyx 1620, great board except the whole FW is pre eq, inserts, etc, and it has only 2 outputs.
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PreSonus Firpode vs. . Mackie Onxy 1640
Ok, I've been researching different hardware and I'm still having a hard time trying to decide what to go with. I'm liking the PreSonus Firepod. If I had two of these linked together, I could track 16 chanels of audio (my goal is 12... full drum set and some scratch tracks).
My question is, if using the two Firepods, how could I set up multiple headphone mixes for the musicians?
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Should i choose Mackie HR624 or HR 824?
Which pair is better?
i've heard some people think 824 it's woofy...
they think 624 is better.
how do u guys think?
and anyone know about ADAM ANF10 or A7?
how are they compare to the Mackie HRs?
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Burning CD to PLEXTOR Plexwriter from ADAT or Mackie board
Hello. I am interested in burning a stereo master to a PLEXTOR Plexwriter 12/10/32S EXTERNAL SCSI CD-RW CD-RW directly from either two tracks from an ADAT or from the stereo outs of the Mackie board. THis is certainly not for final production, but is rather a hope at getting a quick master while we decide on a mastering console model.
Is this possible?
Mackie ONYX 1200F?
I asked breifly in a different thread about the Mackie ONYX 1200F and got very little feedback. I'm searching for an interface so that I can track a live drum set. I'd like to be able to track between 8 and 12 channels at once. Does anyone have any experience with this unit or advise on what interface to use? I use Cubase SX and I am about to build a new computer.
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RME Fireface 800 & Mackie 1640?
Through a mac with Digital performer. Anybody have this setup? Do they play well together? Any problems?
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Ok need some help quickly on a Mackie 8 bus
Ok, so I got a Mackie 8 bus dirt cheap... of course there was a catch, all the in-puts seem to work fine but when it come to the buses and routing it is having some trouble... basically the signal comes in and i send it to either bus or main mix and it either only comes out mono (should be stereo) on the main l/r mix or doesn't come out the bus I directed it to... etc.
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