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New Article On Bill Putnam in MIX MAGAZINE

I would like to draw attention to a great article on Bill Putnam in Mix this month. You can read it free on the net. If you haven't fully aquainted yourself with the gentleman, I highly suggest you do so now. To merely say he was a major force in shaping current recording technology is to ignore his huge contributions behind the board.

RNC across the mix bus.

Hey guys.I have the much hyped (for good reasons) RNC in my rack.So I strapped it across my main mix inserts to get more juice off the mixes. I am in super nice mode to get that triple compression thing. Is it me or there is no way to get usable boost off this box for my mixes, without hearing it pump.I tried every configuration I can think of.

Allen & Heath mix wizard vs soundcraft m12

just wondering what yall think about these two boards...
eliminated the Mackie and Behringer route and the Midas 160 is TOO expensive. i do mostly hip hop productions with an MPC and synths into PT via digi 001.
any opinions about the preamps for vocal and occasional acoustic guitar recordings?

Soundcraft Spirit FX 16 or Allen & Heath Mix Wizard

I am looking to purchase a live board that has direct outs and FX. Soundcraft Spirit FX 16 and the Allen and Heath Mix Wizzard both have these. . .

The primary function is to create a good FOH and Monitor mix. Secondary functions is to pull the directs off direct into Hard disk.

when my mix is played on the radio it sounds like crap..


i'm curious as to what i can do to make my recordings not sound like crap when they go through the radio's compressors and limiters and whatnot. i want to keep my mixes dynamic, but what can i do to the whole thing to make it not sound like crap when it runs through those compressors? should i fight compression with compression? and if so how?