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Audio Interface and controller versus Mixer (Behringer X32)

I currently own a Scarlett 18i20 and am using my iPad or faders on a Novation SL MKII to control Ableton Live and [=" Logic[/]="… Logic[/]. I'd love more control over the faders and more general DAW control from my hardware.

Is it possible to acess efect parameters via ipad on Studio Live Mixer?

i did a google and came across some interesting stuff about the board, but no yay or nay on my question. i don't own the board so i have little time for experimentation, and as far as i've seen so far on the ipad control program, you can't adjust effects parameters.

Question about an AMP and Mixer

I'm completely clueless when it comes to professional audio setup. I've been tasked to manage a small live show that involves some acoustic performance. So I started calling local audio rental places, then I ran into someone who is selling some church old audio equipment.

It includes a Mackie FR1400 AMP, and a Yamaha Mixing Console MG 10/2.