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A device dedicated to controlling the signals that feed a studio's monitors. Functions in a monitor controller may include volume control, selection among multiple sets of monitors, headphone outputs and level control, subwoofer control, monitor dim, monitor mute, monitor solo, talkback switching, a built-in talkback mic, level metering, level matching, surround and stereo monitor control, and more.

external monitor controller with Fireface 800, Samplitude

More learning, new DAW, new equipment coming and sorting out old ways with new.

How would you set up my monitor controlling with with Fireface 800?

ITB monitor mix:
I'm having difficulty adjusting the headphone mix with FireFace 800 and Samplitude /Sequoia 11. Can we do you do it in detail?

Monitor controller/switcher options


So I'm looking at upgrading my central control unit from a Beri mixer, and am looking for some advice.
The Central station is pretty close to what i want, but doesn't have enough analog inputs, has other bells and whistles that i don't need, etc.
the coleman M3PH MKII is pretty close, but at almost a grand, i'd want *exactly* what i want, not pretty close...