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Lucid A/D9624 and 2408 S/PDIF noise

Hi Guys: I can't figure this one out. Please help me. My set up is: d8b,lucid genx6,lucid A/D9624, and a 2408. My problem: I'm getting noise on the left side of the S/PDIF input on the 2408(S/PDIF 1). Spdif 2 works perfectly. It's not the A/D9624. I can take the S/PDIF out of the 9624 and go to a DAT and it's clean. I can also take the AES/EBU out and that is clean.

Recording thru ADAT to 2408 via lightpipe

Lately, because I think the ADAT XT-20 converters sound better than MOTU 2408's, I'll record-enable my ADAT XT 20 and feed this straight out through the lightpipe to the 2408 where it is recorded to Digital Performer. So only one analog to digital conversion is happening, though ADAT is passing off to MOTU via a very cheap cable. Am I crazy?

Converters - 1224 and 2408mkII Can you tell the differe

Hi, I'm considering MOTU for a DAW setup and from the MOTU site it appears the S/N on the 1224 is quite better @116db than the 2408 mkII of @106db. Both are 24 bit with same sampel rates. (I think I have the specs right above)

Bottom line - can you hear the difference?

Thanks for any comments. Shane