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Audio Interface, periodic buzzing


I hope this is the right place to ask this question..

so I got a new Motu M2 Interface about a month ago. Since then there are periodic buzzing sounds coming from the Headphone Amps at "random" times. Sometimes it runs 3 hours without a Problem and sometimes the buzzing happens twice in 5 minutes. Turning the Interface off and on again "fixes" the buzzing temporarily.

Why no audio being played through MOTU 8pre USB even though the meters on Logic and iTunes are blazing.

I recently got a new MOTU 8pre interface. It has been working in spite of having to reconfigure the Optical In and Out everytime I startup. I have no ADATS or anything optical between the 8pre and the USB port on the back of my iMac.

Both MOTU 8pres have suddenly stopped working with Logic

Alright guys and gals, I’m about to lose my freaking mind and I could really use some help. I run Logic on my top of the line Mac Pro (which I use solely for recording music). For the past year or so, I’ve been using two MOTU 8pres – one is a firewire interface, the other a USB. The USB (MOTU #2) is connected via optical cable to the firewire (MOTU #1).

New MOTU 16A ; converters, quality, web-based access

Hello All,

I am new to this forum.

I recently acquired a MOTU 16A. The unit, took a while to get setup and running due to software-based shortcomings from MOTU. Once the unit was setup however; after roughly 48 hours of tweaks, reboots, reinstalls and a myriad of bad words I didn't even know I unit is proving to be very powerful.

Orion32 Madi to MOTU Traveller Mk3.

I am, as audiokid knows, now in possession of more gear than I truly know what to do with :). I really would like to go as Chris says to go out one system into another. Here is my dilemma, I was going to use my iMac and run a second copy of Logic Pro X, which thanks to Apple I could. Trouble is, I can't fit it in the studio alongside the 32 inch screen the Mac Pro currently has.


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