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Damaging to switch off power?

I've recently bought a pair of Genelec 8020-monitors. They have individual volume-controllers, meaning each time I turn them on, I have to adjust the volum on both of them - which is annoying in the long run. To solve this, I've attached both of them (together with the mixer) to a power extension cable with a power-switch.

Tracks playback off time..please help

I am using adobe audition. Sometimes i record tracks and everything works great. however, i commonly come across a problem when recording a track while listening to the rhythm i first made and i know I'm on cue, when i playit back the new track is slightly of time and eventually is so far off it sounds like jumbled mess.

LF Roll Off In Mix


I know this is a terrible idea but Im an amateur trying to master my own songs. Anyway, when I play my mixes on large speakers (B&W 603's), I often here a lot of unwanted stuff going on down low.I record with Mackie HR 624's. To get to the point,would it be the done thing to roll off the low frequencies in the mix, and if so where do I cut?