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-6086 Pro Tools LE 6.4 operating system held off interrupts

I used to get this error conistently...
I was able to fix it by opening the task manager in Windows XP (ctrl alt delete), clicking the processes tab, finding the Pro Tools process (Pro Tools has to be running at the time), right clicking on it, and setting its priority to high.

Rolling off bass freq. on Bass tracks

I usually do two tracks when i record bass. One of my Countryman DI and the other is mic'd. I am well aware that my monitors are SERIOUSLY lacking in anything under 150hz (Event PS8s) so I have a hard time getting bass to translate well. What I am finding is that almost always I have to roll off all bass below 150-250hz on bass and sometimes bass drum tracks. Even the DI tracks.

Lets take our hats off to the songwriters!

I dunno about you guys, but, I am stuck without a song and a band. I am a non writer and 'retired' musician. I DO pick up a gtr to demonstrate ideas when producing, but it soon gets handed to a musician. I can't read music, have no theory and would LOVE to know the piano and feel ashamed I don't.