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I want hear some opinions from Logic Pro 8 users!

Hello guys!

We just got a Mac Pro on the studio with Logic Pro 8 as well!

And I must admit. Its really a very cool appz and the interface, the way the program handles with audio its just amazing

I am very confortable working in Nuendo 3 with Waves,
Urs and
Oxford plugins before in a Windows XP pc

opinions on mic for vocals


hey folks, I am starting a mobile recording company and need to get a bunch of good (not great) mics quickly. So, the first purchases are for close mic'ed choral groups. Close meaning about 6-8 feet. I'll need three of the same type mics for these first applications. Eventually, I will need a variety of mics for symphonic all the way to contemporary project sessions.

Opinions On My Intended Setup

to start off, i used to have a decent little set up, but i moved from ohio to florida and i needed money at the time so i sold my Behringer mx9000 and Mackie sdr 2496, along with a Shure pg series drum mic kit.

anyways, i plan on getting back into recording sometime later this year once the finances clear. heres what I'm thinking about going with