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How do you really do stereo mic placement in the field?

So I've been reading about variations on ORTF stereo mic techniques and all of the spacing and angle measurements. I've played around with them in the studio and measured with a ruler and protractor. But when I've used them in the field, I've just eyeballed them. Seems to me the only real drawback of this is that it might no be as consistent. What do you do?

Royer SF12 placements

Okay - so it's no secret that I had a Royer SF 12 not too long ago and sold it because I ultimately didn't like it.

However, I am quickly beginning to think that it was my failures which caused me to dislike the mic and not the mic's failures. In truth, the tone I got from the mic was beautiful, the biggest problem was the balance.

Placement of speakers and drums for best monitoring ?

First of all; I am sorry if this is posted in the wrong sub forum. I couldn't find a better sub forum to post into.

Our rehearsal room is about 20 square meters. We need the best possible monitoring with the equipment we got, as any other rock band. (We don't use headphones or small personal monitor speakers when we practice. )