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hello, i made a post in the "recording forum" about my ILOK experience, and lets say, i'm not too happy with it.

so I'm wondering what everyone recommends for a good quality plugins that DONOT USE AN ILOK, Here's what i'm looking for:

EQ up to 6 bands
usable reverb
and a limiter.

any good plugin that eliminates vocals from Song. or lower

hey guys is there any plugin that can remove vocals from the track or even lower them so that u can't hear them properly without destroying much of the sound. . i've tried couple of plugins like analogx and some more but they all just make sound flange and very reverby. .so any idea how to even get close to wht i wanna do...


Pro Tools plugins

Can you use VST plugins with Pro Tools or does it rely on RTAS plugins?

I ask as I was speaking to one of my lecturers at college last week about his studio that he has, which he uses Logic as the DAW, just to get his opinion on what he prefered working with and he mentioned he liked both but prefered logic only because pro tools used a different format for plugins.