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A preamplifier, also known as a preamp, is an electronic amplifier that converts a weak electrical signal into an output signal strong enough to be noise-tolerant and strong enough for further processing, or for sending to a power amplifier and a loudspeaker. Without this, the final signal would be noisy or distorted.

Allen & Heath GS3 16:8:2 Mixer - Preamps Quality?


First post. I hope I can contribute a bit as time goes by as well as picking brains here!

Does anyone have a view on the quality of this mixer's preamps? It's about 10 years old and no longer manufactured. I got a view over at that Allen & Heath mixers are generally well regarded but nothing specific on the preamps.

Mackie preamps vs A&H

With GC offering the Mixwizard 16:2 for $800, my credit card is getting the urge to buy something - even though new mics are next on my "list", that mixer is tempting.

I currently have a pair of Mackie 1402s - a VLZ and a VLZ Pro. I use them primarily as a banks of mic preamps for on-site recording, coming out of the inserts into a MOTU 24i.


I am recording with a begringer mixer, boss br 532 (i know it sucks), and then going to my computer through the digital out

I am getting good sound if commercial is a 10 I'm at an 8

Now the problem - I'm not using ANY preamps and they needed?
How much better will they sound and where would i put them in my set up thank in advance