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I need help quick!

Ok...I'm in a predicament right now, ive just received 2000 dollars, I'm looking to make beats and the hottest beats out there. and I'm debating on getting the MPC 2000xl or the Roland Fantom X6...if everyone can leave there opinions, that would be very helpful...or even some basic info on either of them...Thank You!

Quick! Help! Mackie Desks

Hello, I’m new ‘round here and am looking for a quick answer as I’ve seen two second hand Mackie desks. I’ve had a quick look through the forums and couldn’t find anything so apologies if this has already been covered.

I am producing electronic music, no live stuff. I have two synths, a Waldorf Pulse and a Virus C, I run Logic off a PC with a Midiman Audiophile (2ins 2outs).

need some quick opinions about a mic preamp

Hey Guys! After talking with many of you about gear I narrowed my preamp decision to a Great River pre that sells for $1075 I stopped by a local dealer and the manager wants to blow out his Avalon M5's for $720 because he doen't want to carry them anymore. I wanted to get a Great River because many of you are thrilled with them and said that they are an awesome all around pre.

Do it here or there? help quick!

ok guys I have a question for you? would you pay 125 dollars a hour to track in a studio thats acoustically perfect from drums and vocals? or should I upgrade studio with drum mics and converters and a good vocal mic and completely deaden my room (since its to small to be usuable) and add reverb electronically.. I would be able to work at my whim and be able to not rush...

Do it here or there? help quick!

ok guys I have a question for you? would you pay 125 dollars a hour to track in a studio thats acoustically perfect from drums and vocals? or should I upgrade studio with drum mics and converters and a good vocal mic and completely deaden my room (since its to small to be usuable) and add reverb electronically.. I would be able to work at my whim and be able to not rush...