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Quick audio interface beginner question

I'm looking for an interface that'll allow me to record- lets say a drum track-
and be able to see each individual mic as a track on my computer screen (i'm using Ntrack) and be able to raise and lower the volume and pans of multiple tracks with this interface
Would that have to be a midi interface?

I have a budget of under 400

Thanks for anything help

Need some quick advice on 3 synths. (tell me what to buy!)


I've been looking at getting into synth now for quite some time now and recently it has become possible for me to afford one. Although I've tried to do as much research as I can I feel the only way to really be able to recommend something like this is too have a past experience since I do not have a very good idea on how these operate. So thats what brought me here.

Could anyone give me a few quick midi tips for Pro-tools le?

Hello. I'm wanting to know a few quick tips on using the midi piano roll in pro-tools. I understand the basics, I've been using sequencers for years but this one just seems really clunky. I feel that there are guidlines I should know before deeming it so quickly. Afterall it's currently the only midi environment I own.