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Need Recommendation: Cheap Ribbon Mic Pre



I've got several cheap mic preamps for a number of cheap mics and I'm satisfied. However, I'm currently demoing a ShinyBox 46MXL which I -really- like, but for the fact that none of my mic preamps generate anywhere NEAR enough gain to make it practicable.

Any recommendations on a good match that won't break the bank?

Orion for Mac recommendations?

For years I used Orion to create all of my music. I became so familiar with it that nothing else (to me) was even close. About two years ago, I switched to an Apple. While I'm certain I'll never look back (to a PC) for anything else I do, I really miss the simplicity of that application. Any recommendations? Regards.

Need a recommendation for a budget mastering package


Need something better than the supplied Logic Limiter. Now don't get me wrong, I find it acceptable and completely useable, just so long as the attenuation is less than 0. I want something that is going to help make my mixes louder while retaining a full frequency spectrum and without compressing the mix too much. And without that goddamn scratchy clipping or sudden volume dives.

Good midi keyboard recommendation? Need2 Change VST w/ pedal & non-distorted sounds?

I currently have a Yamaha YPT-400 Keyboard and I wanted to upgrade my midi capabilities. I want to do more with it, and sometimes when I press 5 keys at once, my VST gets distorted. (left hand stops even though Im holding the note. Not sure if that's keyboard related)



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