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VIs that output in stereo, when mono is preferred?

Hi all,

The kind of VIs that I'm referring to are the array of plugins like Stylus RMX or NI's Guitar Rig that all output their effected signals as stereo. But what if, for example, one was recording a bass part with Guitar Rig where perhaps a final mono signal of such a take would be preferred to be finally printed to tape?

Stereo bass question a la DAvid Gray style

DAvid Gray's track "The One I Love" from the album "Life in Slow Motion" has all the low end in stereo, which is against everything I've ever heard recommended for mixing bass. The track was mixed by Andy Bradfield, mastered by Bob Ludwig, and to be honest, I really enjoy the fresh sound of this stereo bass when listening with headphones.

Mic clip to fit DPA stereo boom and CMC5

I've just purchased a DPA UA0837 stereo boom - the one without the mic clips. Now, I didn't know this beforehand, but the sliders on the boom are designed to hold mic clips with a narrow thread (a la the DPA clips)... . The problem is that the sliders have a kind of groove that ensures that only clips with a very narrow base will fit there.


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