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CD Burning Software

So as of now I export my songs in 16-bit wave format from Cubase on my PC and I use Roxio 8 to burn my audio discs simply because Roxio cannot convert the 24-bit wave files to CDDA format. Is there any software out there that I can buy that WILL render 24-bit wave files to audio CD? If not, what is the cheapest route to get the results I want? Thanks in advance.

Device order or software help needed from expert.

I'm currently doing some home recording with an older version of Adobe Audition pro. I'm very new to how digital recording works, and how to set it up, but I get the basics. I'm having issues with the metronome. Where am I supposed to plug my headphones into to hear the metronome and not have it incorporate itself into the recording?

easy to use software for music teaching puposes?

hi all,
i teach guitar part time and am looking a simple recording program for teaching puposes.
i want to have a library of short musical phrases with guitar or keyboard (never both) and spoken word.
i want to be able to quicky make tracks using various combinations of the clips.
i will be using the line in on my budget soundcard.

lost software swapping harddrives...recovery?

Okay here's the deal...i've been using Pro ToolsLE (mbox1) with my computer for a while now but the computer just wasn't cutting it anymore. I bought a new PC, with a SATA HD whereas my old one was an IDE. I put the IDE as the slave and everything booted in the new computer but none of the programs from the slavedrive will run in the new computer.

Whats a good software for mixing,multitracking and recording

I use Adobe Audition 2.0.

My Computer is:

Pentium 4 3.2
512 Ram
Windows Xp SP2

Recording Interface:
PreSonus Firepod
Shure SM57

I'm looking for a good program (not audicy or sound forge)

Something that would work on for everything.

I have Cubase sx3 but i havent planned on using it.


Can Window Vista run that software?

I am planning to buy a new laptop computer and it comes with Windows Vista, and I am just want it for recording purpose.

but when I looking at the software box, such as Sonar 6, it only support to windows 2000/XP

Does anyone had experience in using windows Vista to run the recording software such as Sonar 6?

any problem? or any comment? should I still using XP?