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does software really make a difference

Im not sure if any of you have heard about Magix studio deluxe or the who Magix line up, but I'm Shure you've heard of Sonar 3...
anyway I was wondering if anyone could tell me how is it, that when I record on Sonar 3 the recording sounds better than when I record on Magix? I always that softwares really didn't matter. .note these recordings are dry, no plugins or effects added.

software, for mixing only...

i have a software question. i do all of my recording on a Tascam 2488, and just got a laptop that i want to use for mixing those tracks. I don't use any MIDI or samples or anything, and want to mix just recorded audio (acoustic guitar, bass, drums, piano...). i've got decent powered monitors, and have a $200 budget for software.

Which Software for slower systems?

Well its not that slow, but I want somthing that is faily light and powerful. Its for my laptop. Cerleron 1.06ghz 256ram. I will be using a PreSonus firewire interface for recording.

Which software would you recommend to be the lightest on the system when it comes to tracking? But still with some decent features.

Thank you,