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athlon x2 and current software

How will upgrading to an x2 impact our DAW's?
Will it be the same as the athlon 64, i.e. "transparent" to your software, but everything runs better?
Or will your software see it as 2 cpu's, and possibly cause some grief, if your software/hardware/drivers are not "dual" cpu compatable?
I remember the intel hyperthreading causing some problems. Kinda the same thing.

Need help on ancient Editing Software

I am talking about installing the hardware(Audiomedia II card) plus SDII on a PowerPC 8100/110 (not PCI bus ones) running OS 7.6

Since I bought it X handed and it came with very little documentation and I have no experience installing anything on a old mac. .

1)Is the combination going to work? I know those cards cannot run on "newer" macs

CD Copy protection - is there some software for this?

A client told me that the duplication plant told her there is some software that mastering engineers can install on a CD master that prevents it from being copied unless you have the key/password to unlock it. I've never heard of such a thing. Did I miss something?

Does anyone know what they might be talking about?