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Demo software for Mac OS 9 to compare with Digital Performer

Hi all,

I compared DP 3.11 to DP 2.72 and heard some suprising differences in warmth and detail. 2.72 was better. 3.11 was brighter, dryer, and lacked low-level detail.

I really want to demo another application to further my research. I have ther 2408MKII, so I suppose the application would need to be compatible with that as well as OS9.

Any suggestions?


Software effect on plugin performance

I am in the process of crossgrading from Sonar to Samplitude 7.xx. I hear good things about the 'sound ' of Samplitude and was: 1.] wondering what peoples opinions are regarding percieved differences in sound quality from one audio software to another, and 2.] do the algorythms in the audio software affect the quality of sound produced by plugin fx?

Audio or Track Cancelling Software


Does anybody know on an easy to use audio track canceling software for Windows XP? I want to be able to to take and CDA, WMA, or MP3 and cancel out Vocals, Lead Guitars and leave in just the Rythm Guitar, Bass and Drums and then eventually cancel out the drum tracks to play my own drumming in its place. I intend to use this as a tool for practicing my drumming.

Track Canceling Software


Does anybody know on an easy to use audio track canceling software for Windows XP? I want to be able to to take and CDA, WMA, or MP3 and cancel out Vocals, Lead Guitars and leave in just the Rythm Guitar, Bass and Drums and then eventually cancel out the drum tracks to play my own drumming in its place. I intend to use this as a tool for practicing my drumming.

software that supports ASIO? any recommendations?

Hey guys, I have the MOTU 828 interface, and I've been using n-track, simply because it is cheap and supports ASIO. It is very unstable for some reason. I use it only to record my tracks, then use adobe audition to engineer. It constantly locks up my computer, which no software has ever done before. I'm thinking it's time to upgrade. Any suggestions? Thanks!