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Need Help Extracting Vocals from a Song?


Hello there! I hope this is the right place for this kind of job. I want to get a relatively clean track of the vocals from a song, i.e. no instruments. I have been trying to do this all night without much avail. I've been watching videos and tutorials, trying to find one a clean vocal track online, but I haven't been very successful.

just in a hotel with my guitar and i have songs

Ok my question is when i m using the trial version mix -pad by UCH software, and the computer is slow i have about 5 tracks down; drums and guitar it sounds like I'm in a sea shell,is it The sound card? the free version of the software? i know its futile but at the moment it keeps me busy any suggestions?

song coming through bass track.

Okay so i realize that i probably should not have the monitors up that load when recording Direct in bass because I can hear the song come through and it is causing problems with my mix. I'm having some crackling and other issues. I have Izotope RX2 and i'm wondering if there is anyway of getting rid of the background song withough ruining the bass track, or without having to re record.