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So stereo Mytek owners...

I've been in the market to get new AD, and was initially looking at used Rosettas(48k), but recently it seems like, for a little more money, I could get a stereo Mytek.

Now that they've been out for a bit and people have had a chance to use them, how do you like them? Do you think its worth the extra money over a $650 used Rosetta?

- Justin

Why is my stereo only mono?

I just got some msp5's off ebay. I plugged them into (out of?) my sound card, which has a single 3.5mm speaker output. Is there even a way to get stereo out of this? I ran a TRS 1/4" adapter, then a 1/4" splitter then two TS cables to each monitor. Now If I pan right, the volume drops--pan left, it increases. Should I use TRS cables also instead of TS?


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