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The term "tracking" is a process when recording various instruments, voices etc used to create a song or production within its track. If a song is recorded one track at a time, we refer this to "tracking". Every time you record a new track, you hear all the other ones you've recorded as well. This tag discusses all sorts of topics on tracking music.

Methods for tracking bands; Do you guys use click tracks?

I've been recording bands for awhile now and my method has always been to record a scratch rythym track to a drum machine, (just a simple 1,2,3,4 beat). After getting the rythm track down I give it to the drummer in his headphones and record him playing to it.

Drum recording tips needed for a small tracking booth


I'm about to record a drum kit. Since my tracking room is a small one (2.0 m wide 5.0 m long 2.5 m high) there's no other chance than placing the kick drum so close to the wall.

What kind of problems may occur in this situation and what are your recommendations to overcome.


Tracking question? Keyboards Synths? (please help)

I am baffled why I here many enginers Track keyboards through a DI the to a board or channel strip... Is this to raise the level? Do they use phantom power engaged? Does this make tracking clearer?
Would this be a good idea for use with my Triton, Mpc2000xl, Roland5080? Going through either a Ua 610 or a Apogeetrak2..