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Mac upgrades?

Hey everyone
I am also quite a newb to recording, got some basic equipment and I'm not sure whether or not upgrades are required/possible. I have last year's Mac book, Apogeeinterface/logic pro. The thing is the Apogee/Duet interface only allows to inputs at one time, and Im looking to start recording some higher quality drums/multiple instruments at once.

New Software Upgrade Help!

I have a fire wire 16 channel mixing/recording board and all was working well with Cakewalk Home Studio 2004 except I cannot get home studio to record to my external drive and it appears it will not allow me to save to a new folder when doing different songs it wants to put all wav files on the C drive. I have a 1.8 GHz 512 MB computer with external 7200 rpm 16 MB cache.


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