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Test Acoustic/Vocals recording - what's missing?


Just got a whole bunch of new equipment - and tonight I tried to do a quick acoustic test with some of it.

Check this audio file out and tell me what you think. It's just a demo of me singing/playing - ignore the performances (they're not too great) - I'm more interested in how I can improve the tone.

recording vocals in slow-mo


Hi guys,

I was watching the metallica documentry some kind of monster a few weeks ago... n there was a part where they were recording vocals...

it appeared as though the tracks tempo was significantly slowed down whilst the vocals were being recorded... just curious if anyone has recorded vocals this way before? also would anyone know why it would help?

Decent PA setup for sax, vocals, acoustic guitar, and music


Well, I'm sick of waiting for a band to come together, so I think I'm going to rely on some tracks in the meantime. What I was thinking about is getting the 1u rack mixer Rolls RM65, an effects processor probably a Lexicon MX200 or maybe a Digitech GNX4, and possibly a JBL EON G2 15".