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Mojave Audio ma-200 for classical tenor vocals?


I've recently purcahsed a fireface 400 and I am looking for a condensor mic to compliment a classical, tenor voice. One of the mic's I am interested in is the Mojave Audio MA200 but I can't seem to find any male vocals recorded with this mic. Anyone happen to have link(s) to male vocals recorded with the ma200?

Recording guitar/bass/vocals in my room


Hello all! I'm a guitarist and a songwriting, and have only been really recording my songs on my little tape recorder so I don't forget them. I'd like to set up a system where I could record my guitar/bass/vocal tracks digitally to my computer.

I'm pretty familiar with Audacity, so I'm planning on using that for my mastering software.

De-Essing Vocals


Hi Guys!

I use a dbx166XL Dual Compressor/Limiter connected through the Insert on my mixing console. The only feature I'm using at the moment are it's compression controls, and it's shaping my sound beautifully.

However, I am now wanting to introduce a De-Esser into my chain to remove the sharp S and T frequencies, and I'm wondering -- what are my options?