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Voice-over (also known as off-camera or off-stage commentary) is a production technique where a voice—that is not part of the narrative (non-diegetic)—is used in a radio, television production, film-making, theatre, or other presentations. ... It may also be read live for events such as award presentations.

Voice-over channelstrip

I've been hired to do an ongoing project. It's location recording of storyrtelling for a series of videos. I record them telling their tragic life stories, then a slideshow-like video is added later. I've done a couple already using my mbox and an NT2A, and while it has worked fine, Id really like an inline compressor, and a better pre wouldn't hurt.

voice-over career help please

After being told I should persue this for years I am finally going after it. I want to explore voice-over work. I have done some reseach on the net and find all kinds of workshops but don't really know what I am looking at. Does anyone have any experience here and could you offer some advice about how to not get totally ripped off and learn a little about this subject in the process.

newbie: Home recording voice-overs equip/software

Looking for advice and guidance on buying sound equipment.
Need to record some voice-overs form home and have a limited budget. Dont know much about how to set this up but needs to attach to PC.
Want to record voice-overs with good quality and be able to play about with the sound files in whatever format they have been saved as.