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Cant Get Volume From My Stereo Out In Cubase (FireWire Solo)

what am i doing wrong I'm using a firewire solo (sound card) so I put that on get sound out of the headphones on Cubase i get sound but theres no volume bar on the stereo out. Only on the track that i a result i cant hear effects that i put on. Or Record for that matter

Easy but professional DAW-Fadervolumecontroller wanted!

i use Pro Tools LE7 with the digi002 rack. now i wanna have a DAW-controller with 8 faders for my 8 hardwareoutputs. does an EVOLUTION UC33E work with my hard- and software? i know: DIGIDESIGN COMMAND 8 would be the best, but isn't there another/cheaper solution which works without problems? thanx for your help!

Dynamics vs Volume: How does this clip sound?


I've been on a Radiohead, Hail to the Thief kick lately, and the mastering is very quiet, with excellent dynamics. So, I've been trying very hard to work with dynamics in my masters lately, while preserving loud volume. Here is the latest experiment at -9 dB RMS in the loud section. How dynamic or squished does this clip sound to everybody?