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Cheap Wireless

OK, I heard the screams from here. It's not that bad! Well maybe it is.

For our (the church I go to) pantomime/play (in 2 weeks :o !) we needed 2 wireless mics. Rather than hire a pair of say, wireless PG58s for £120 (total) I suggested that we buy a pair outright - and suggested a pair of Sennheiser Freeport FP35 (we need something handheld) at £240 total.

Wireless Mic Questions


Hey everyone. I'm running sound for a stage show (musical) and have some questions about wireless mics. If anyone could help me out some, I would greatly appreciate it!

My first concern is feedback. When I start to get feedback, what is the first thing I should do? Cut the bass? I understand what feedback is, but what is the best way to remove feedback DURING a show performance?

wireless headphone sets

Hey all, I'm gonna buy a headphone set for recording, monitoring and a bit of mixing,
because we are on the road mostly and dont have monitor speakers.
And being a muso with little to spend. lol
I was listening to some wireless heaphones the other day and thought
it would save any wire being tugged at from time to time, think thats what


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