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How would you recommend saving synth settings for synths with no actual "song" mode? I am currently using a Roland MC-505, a Korg Triton Rack, an Akai MPC2000xl, and an Alesis Quadrasynth. On the 505, I can basically save every parameter and patch as a pattern, even though I'm using the MPC as my sequencer. But on the other synths, should I save each song as its own Multi on the Triton and Mix on the Quadrasynth? Or is there some way to dump all parameters into the sequence for instant recall?

Thanks in advance...

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Ang1970 Thu, 05/31/2001 - 22:09

If you just need patch selection on the quadra and triton, you can set them right on the track page on the mpc. But if you get into editing parameters, you may have to do sysex dumps and save those along with your sequences. I haven't got into that very heavily on the mpc yet, so I don't know how easy it is (or if it's entirely possible for that matter). I'll check it out for you in the morning if nobody else has the answer.

Nate Tschetter Fri, 06/01/2001 - 09:10

Hi Brad

The fastest way is how you describe. Using the internal multitimbral setup scheme for each instrument. As an addendum, these instruments probably have a way to select the multis/combis via a patch change with a bank select MSB/LSB.

The best way to keep things "centralized" is the way Angelo described. Bulk everything out to the MPC and be done with it. I would suggest doing this to a seperate song.

The latter method will take a bit of time as sending out an entire instrument's parameter set via sysex can be a lengthy process. Especially with a multitimbral instrument.

Ang1970 Fri, 06/01/2001 - 13:06

Originally posted by grimaceskins:
So if I do the bulk dump from each synth to the MPC, is EVERY parameter (including patches, levels, pans, etc.) saved into the sequence? The next time I open the sequence, I dump everything back to the synths, and I'll be right back where I left off????
That should be the case, but you may need to check your manuals to make sure what gets saved via sysex and what might not. In any case, the patches can be recalled right on the track page of the mpc, and similarly, the pans and levels can be set on the mix page.

anonymous Fri, 06/01/2001 - 13:21

How can I recall the patches on the MPC? Are you talking about the program selection on the main window? If this is this the case, how do I select the banks and patch #'s and all that? And will it automatically recall the patches next time I open the sequence?

BTW, thanks a ton for helping me with this. It's really nice to know there are still people out there willing to lend a hand to people in need...

Thanks again

Ang1970 Fri, 06/01/2001 - 19:40

Yes, as soon as the sequence plays it will send the bank and patch selections. You won't have to go searching, unless you forget to enter the patch into the sequence.

You are correct about banks, the patch selection on the mpc won't change the banks. For that, you'll have to insert a controller event or two into the sequence. Check your manuals to determine the proper controller code for each keyboard/module's bank selections. (Different manufacturers don't always follow the same codes.)

Once you find the codes for bank selection, you might want to build a template sequence around that. Let's say you have a multichannel keyboard with 4 banks to select from. You might consider splitting the banks across your 16 midi channels. So channels 1 thru 4 would be bank 1, channels 5-8 would be bank 2, etc. Then when you go to sequence a song, you don't have to search for the bank selection all over again, you just pick a midi channel that is already on the bank you want and scroll to the patch. If you decide you need a different bank, select the midi channel that is set to that bank and keep going. If you find you're consistently using more patches in bank 1 than bank 2, make midi channels 1-5 bank one, and only 6-8 bank 2. Whatever makes it easiest for you to recall.
