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Ok I think this is the place to put this. Our set up, mic-EV N/D 767a, mixer-Behringer UB802, sound card-Zoltrix Nightingale Pro (its a $35 sound card), PC-windows with Audacity.

We are just trying to record my wifes vocals to some CD tracks for demo purposes. I know its all cheap stuff, so we are thinking about doing an upgrade to get better sound quality. Should we go with a Studio Projects VTB-1 mic preamp or a M-Audio Audiophile 2496, they are about the same price. And I am thinking the mic preamp would be the biggest upgrade we could do, is that correct thinking?


RemyRAD Sat, 12/10/2005 - 00:42

Dear Calgary,

You are the pot calling the kettle black. I find you outstandingly rude. Pompous is only one word I have to describe you. You have indicated in earlier postings that you have attended a very prestigious and expensive school and you must obviously think that the stuff that comes out your backside doesn't stink! I can assure you, it does. You are a child without any working experience in the industry. I find too many people on this forum part of the pompous American mindset that most other people around the world find quite distasteful. I really wonder what is wrong with you? I have experienced racism firsthand! So don't give me any crap like that! Too many people on this forum are so pompous I find them rather vile. Please don't exacerbate the problem here.

I find myself on this forum because I am recovering from a serious and lifesaving medical condition and operation. In my normal, professional existence, I generally would not have the time to waste with people like you and others on this forum. I'm here to try and help the truly inexperienced and younger hopefuls. You my young and inexperienced acquaintance need to get a life and a real job. You're like the blind leading the blind. Tell me about your accomplishments in radio, television, the broadcast industry and the recording arts and sciences that makes you such an expert?? Oh I'm sorry, you may have a piece of paper that makes you an expert. Right!

The outstandingly obstinate and highly experienced 50-year-old with multiple, major award nominations, studio design and installation, maintenance and over 35 years in the business. Yeah, do the math. Can you say wunderkind?

Ms. Remy Ann David

I'm sorry did I shove your nose into this? Hit the showers!

AudioGaff Sun, 12/11/2005 - 09:13

Before I close this down I'll add my two cents.

Out of all the choices, I choose the E-MU Exmulator X (1820M) package and have been very pleased. The few problems I had, have been resolved with some PC/XP tweaking and the most recent version of drivers. Best overall quality and value on the market by far.

It is not perffect and there are many things I would like to see added or changed, but it works great. The routing flexability is much more than anyone will likely make use of.

The E-MU like any other soundcard or audio interface works better on some systems than it does on others. A little effort in homework before you buy helps prevent buyers regret. Don't put the E-MU stuff in any Compaq or HP desktop as those systems are known to have problems.


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