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Hey i was wondering, would it be possible to use Cubase sx and then mix in Pro Tools le. cant u transport the files between the two using omf?

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iznogood Sun, 09/25/2005 - 08:48

alot of reasons...

simplicity of the user interface..... (i mix using one! window) easier editing.... especially multitrack editing..... the abiltity to route the output of a (or many) track(s) to the input of another.... and the fact that protools stops if you use too much cpu.... instead of the crackling and freezes of cubase....

and some of the greater plugs are not available as vst.... eg. bomb factory....

i've mixed alot of records in protools.... and had to mix a few songs in cubase.... i was about to blow up the computer.... fortunately my friend is a cubase supporter (and i had sx2 for a while) so that made my life easier.... but still i would never mix in cubase.... it's simply too slow.... i like the midi though

anonymous Sun, 10/09/2005 - 14:34

Reggie wrote: What makes Protools LE so great for mixing?

I dont understand why people think this either!?! Whatever you can do in PT can be done with Cubase or Logic, or Sonar or any other software app.

I know some of you are gonna spit out some "PT is the industry standard" garbage so dont bother. What makes a software app good or bad is the way it handles the audio, the way it encodes and decodes the audio. And yes A great EQ and great plugins make it better but it boils down to the way it handles the audio.

iznogood Sun, 10/09/2005 - 17:46

Mr-Nice wrote: [quote=Reggie]What makes Protools LE so great for mixing?

I dont understand why people think this either!?! Whatever you can do in PT can be done with Cubase or Logic, or Sonar or any other software app.

I know some of you are gonna spit out some "PT is the industry standard" garbage so dont bother. What makes a software app good or bad is the way it handles the audio, the way it encodes and decodes the audio. And yes A great EQ and great plugins make it better but it boils down to the way it handles the audio.

and the user interface..... pretty important if eg. you're mixing for a living as i did.....

of course everything can be done in cubase or whatever..... just not as easily.... just as the opposite can be said about midi.....

why is it so hard to admit that every piece of software has strenghts and weaknesses??? it doesn't make your choice of software wrong for what you do!!

anonymous Sun, 10/09/2005 - 18:37

iznogood wrote: ...of course everything can be done in cubase or whatever..... just not as easily.... just as the opposite can be said about midi.....

I can easily create a track in Cubase from scratch... From start to finish with hardly any difficulty. It comes down how well you know how to use what you have. At first I had to learn how and what each thing does in base but once you step over that hurdle its all down hill. But that is with any recording app.

why is it so hard to admit that every piece of software has strenghts and weaknesses??? it doesn't make your choice of software wrong for what you do!!

I dont know if that was directed to me or not but I dont hide that Cubase has weaknessess, but whatever they may be certainly dont affect on how I need to use the program to get projects done. I am happy with using Base and that is what is most important, I can sit here and list all the things I like about it over PT but there is no need for that.

You can see in this thread that I admit that all apps have pro's and con's, [[url=http://[/URL]="http://recording.or…"]Click here![/]="http://recording.or…"]Click here![/] to read the post. I see you even posted there, did you not read what I wrote?


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