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A buddy of mine let me borrow his Great River Mp2nv and I fell in love with the thing however there is one thing bothering me. When he's tracking a song from his motif xs to Pro Tools he always has the impedance switch in. He's tracking everything from kick, snare, guitars, bass, piano pretty much everthing is with the impedance switch on.

Is this a good thing?


AudioGeezer Tue, 12/02/2008 - 08:20

primomusic wrote: A buddy of mine let me borrow his Great River Mp2nv and I fell in love with the thing however there is one thing bothering me. When he's tracking a song from his motif xs to protools he always has the impedance switch in. He's tracking everything from kick, snare, guitars, bass, piano pretty much everything is with the impedance switch on.

Is this a good thing?

Not good or bad. I have a 2NV and I typically prefer switch out.

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