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I'm making the switch from PC to Mac on my laptop, although I'll still be using PC in my studio. I use Cubase 4 in the studio and Cubase Studio 4 on my laptop. I've used freeware plugins like Kjaerhus Classics and Pushtec on my laptop and installed the same plugs in the studio, that way I can transfer projects without any hassle. However, these plugins are not available for Mac, and I haven't found freeware for Mac of the same quality. I use two UAD-1's in the studio, so I'm into vintage emulations.

It seems the time has come to buy some native plugs that I can install both on my Macbook Pro and studio PC. The most important ones are a good EQ and compressor. They must be availabe for both Mac and PC, not use a dongle (I hate them, and I already need a Steinberg Key for both my systems) and be able to install on at least two machines. Also, it would be great if they didn't cost an arm and a leg.

EQ: I love the UAD Cambridge EQ for it's number of available bands and filters, great GUI, sound and ease of use. Is there any native equivalent? I guess the Waves and Sonnox plugs get close, but they are really expensive.

Compressor: I really like the interface of the UAD 1176 plug, and if there is a native plug that has some vintage bite to it, like the 1176 or LA-2A , that would be cool. A good GR meter is nice, too.

Ok, shoot! Any help and tips would be greatly appreciated.




anonymous Tue, 10/30/2007 - 14:09

gdoubleyou wrote: I use Logic 8, the included suite of plugs are much higher qualith than the ones included with Cubase.

May be more economical to get the Logic suite vs buying a bundle of plugs.


I've done some mixes in Logic and like the plugs. If I could use those plugs with Cubase, I would. Unfortunately, it's imperative that I can transfer projects between a Mac and PC, so I guess the Logic plugs are out. Looks like I should check out the Wave Arts demos when my Macbook arrives. Thanks, guys. Any other suggestions? I'd love to see a cheaper EQ with a Cambridge/Sonnox interface.




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