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Hey Nate! A friend has a DAW and uses emagics, he has midi capability and sounds. His problem, he has a bass drum Wavestrack that he can't use, some distortion (clipping I expect), renders it useless to mix. He wants to trigger a midi bass drum track, useing the BD wave track as the trigger. What plugin , or set-up within his DAW would he use to accomplish this. Any ideas?


Nate Tschetter Mon, 10/01/2001 - 10:58

Hi Rick

Logic Audio can do this using the "Audio to Score" feature in the "Wave Editor" window. It can be a bit dodgy but it certainly works. The best way to work is to start with small regions, for example, 4 to 8 bars. Apply it to a single region and see how it works. Once you go through a few regions and have tweaked out your settings, then you can probably apply it with autonomy to the rest of the wave.

Sometimes, its good to duplicate the wave, apply a sharp bandlimited filter and noise gate then bounce that to a new track. The idea being, you've filtered out anything that bleeds and the algorithm has a more "pure" trigger to work with.

Its also good to run a transform that fixes the pitch of all the notes. Sometimes, it interprets transients as high pitched fundamentals so you'll get superfluous data. Then you can quantize, delete duplicates and un-qunatize to clean it up.

Seems like a lot but it works ok.