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how can I reduce the noise caused [internally] by the computer? I know it's not the room or nothing because if I plugin some headphones and turn the volume all the way up [without playing anything] I can hear the noise. I'm trying to record some vocals through the mic-in jack.


Opus2000 Fri, 01/04/2002 - 06:15 need to give me more info than that my friend!! What card are you using? What software? What is your system specs on the computer? What type of noise are you hearing? Is it more of a buzz or more of a hissing sound? What type of mic is it? How are you going into the sound card with the mic? thru a mixer first or just directly into the card?

anonymous Fri, 01/04/2002 - 09:24

soundcard: generic esssolo1
system specs: compaq presario, 64mb ram, 6.3gb hdd
the sound is like a hissing with high pitches...hard to explain.


and actually I don't even have to have the mic plugged in to have this noise.

but the mic is directly connected to the mic-in jack [it's one of the multimedia headphone-mic combinations]

Opus2000 Fri, 01/04/2002 - 09:44's one reason..the soundcard has converters on it..these converters are housed in a computer system and sitting on the PCI bus..noisy right from the start!!'s a generic sound may need to go into the windows sound system properties and lower the volume on the input and/or output!
You may have some cables internally too close to the sound may need to move the sound card to another PCI slot to move it away from other cards and/or gear.
i cant give you a simple do this fix because there really isnt one for a generic sound card such as yours.


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