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I have a question, that has likely been answered, but I can't seem to find the answer to.

I currently use a Sudio Projects C1 microphone with an Alesis Multimix8USB Mixer. I love the Studio Projects Mic, but I want to move up a bit.. I have come across a great deal on an Audio-Technica 4050 Mic for just under $500. I've heard nothing but good things about this Mic.

I currently use my Studio Projects Mic for Radio Voice-overs and Commcercials. I really want something to give my voice the BIG sound, as opposed to the somewhat TINY-ish sound that I often get now.

My question is, should i pursue purchasing the AT 4050,or invest my money first into a better pre-amp than the one in my Alesis Mixer?

I look forward to your responses! Thanks in advance


TeddyG Sun, 10/29/2006 - 10:05

Sorry, I spent about a half hour composing a response to your question, but the site screwed-up and wouldn't post it? I'll try again...

For most improvment:









Headphones first to hear what you have the best you can(GREAT phones are CHEAP, compared to almost anything else, may as well have some right at the start.)

Great pres/mics/speakers may as well be last and even purchased "all at once", as without all the other you won't be able to get the "great" out of them, anyway.

Thought: Spend at least 5 x on something to get any improvement(Gotta' say something?). So, if the pres in your mixer, you believe, might have cost 20 bucks each(?), then, to(You hope!) hear a positive difference, you'd probably want to go to $100 per channel..? Next, $500, next $2500, etc. At this rate, look in the $99.95 range for your new pre. Look for a solid state pre with v-e-r-y few "features", which take away from the money spent on the pre itself. Actually, you can just GO much more, now, but, you might be better off to "waste" the hundred, then the $500, just to see what you get? Moving up, gradually, can be very educational - seriously. You may also get to a point where you need no further improvment, long before you get to the stratospheric prices - great!


RemyRAD Sun, 10/29/2006 - 12:00

There is nothing wrong with your recording set up. You think you sound thin and tinny? That is because you're not using any compression while you are tracking your vocal! Get yourself an inexpensive compressor such as a DBX 166/266, Alesis 3630 or any of the other many brands under $250. Patch that into your insert on your microphone Channel and track with compression. That's how you get the BIG ANNOUNCER SOUND. WANT IT BIGGER?? Make sure the compressor has a variable release time control. If you set it to slow, it will sound more natural. If you set it to a faster release time, it will make your voice sound bigger and more upfront and in your face. Too fast a release time will increase distortion and make you sound louder in a most unpleasant and unflattering way.

Doing it in software sounds different than doing it on the front-end, going in. You can add a little equalization after you have tracked your vocal with compression. Compression gives you that big ball of sound, since it concentrates the energy into a more tightly refined package.

No trick to this treat
Ms. Remy Ann David

TeddyG Sun, 10/29/2006 - 13:52

If you want to try working on the input and want to go a few extra dollars, my DBX 376 Tube Channel Strip, has a nice "tube" pre and all the "fun stuff" built-in -- pad/low cut/48v/phase reverse/insert capability/EQ/DBX(Of course)compression/ dee-essing/even AES/EBU digital out(Or analog), for like $500..?



Nice? Yes.



And, as Remy says, you can do alot of things(Particularly the "standard" set-ups, a little compression, whatever, prior to hitting the computer - Often all you'll need). And, with the insert capability you might find an analog effects box you can try as well, all prior to the sound card.

Problems? Not really. Just remember that what you do going in can't be reversed in the computer -- but, you'll get onto that quick... You'll mostly do just a bit of this and a bit of that and add more, if needed, later......

Far as moving up on the mic? I don't "know" the C1? But, like anything else, plan on multiplying it's price by around 5 times to come up with anything REALLY better. Again... even there? But don't trade-up "incrementally", like a hundred more for this one, that sort of thing, it's never worth it.

Next time you feel the urge to splurge, I would pickup a nice dynamic mic(SM7, RE20, Senn 421, Beyer M99), you'll find it has it's uses for VO even with a nice condenser around....

Just a thought,


TVPostSound Sun, 10/29/2006 - 14:22

If you want to try working on the input and want to go a few extra dollars, my DBX 376 Tube Channel Strip, has a nice "tube" pre and all the "fun stuff" built-in -- pad/low cut/48v/phase reverse/insert capability/EQ/DBX(Of course)compression/ dee-essing/even AES/EBU digital out(Or analog), for like $500..?

What??? I just sold mine for $300.00!!! With a new Siemens tube!!!!

Seriously, I had some good stuff come from that DBX376, decent little channel strip for the price. Take i easy on the drive, and VOs sound pretty

RemyRAD Sun, 10/29/2006 - 17:02

A voice processor like the DBX, Symmetrix units and others, generally all feature a microphone preamplifier with phantom power, a pad, equalization, De-Essing, noise gating, compression/limiting analog and/or digital outputs. They make a lot of sense as an overall console input channel strip. Very handy, Compaq, easy to use and plug-in. You plug it into a line input, not a microphone input, which could be done if you include an external line to microphone pad but there is no reason to do that as it will only get you more noise and distortion.

A compressor/limiter, is just that and must be utilized with a line level source device so you would still need a separate microphone preamplifier, patch cords and the knowledge to set your gain staging properly.

Go for the vocal processor!
Ms. Remy Ann David

TeddyG Mon, 10/30/2006 - 01:48


I don't need to hear you sold your 376 for $300, what I need to hear is that you'll sell ME your MM Origin for $300!

BTW: When I bought the thing it was the ONLY "all-in-one" that had a built-in AES/EBU digital out at any price!?!? I wanted to be able to use the LynxOne analog I/O for "other stuff"(Has worked out nicely and is STILL one of the few where the AES/EBU digital out, is not an "optional card" that costs, alone, as much as my entire 376!). Truth to tell, I didn't really want the tube in such a low-priced box, but there I was - it's been OK, more than equal to my low-rent mics and, I think, it sounds better, or equal too, my inexpensive mixer pres, with alot more flexibility.... It is a step-up, I think.


RemyRAD Tue, 11/28/2006 - 22:57

SeniorFedup! I'm really just an 18-year-old in a 51-year-old body. Besides, younger guys have more stamina and less ED (electronic dilemmas) problems. Although I must admit, I've never been with anybody who's eaten a lot of habenero peppers? WOW! Ouch! mmmmmm

One Margarita hold the salt please
Ms. Remy Ann David

jdier Mon, 12/18/2006 - 12:20

Gabriel Sousa wrote: shure sm 7, great mic just for $500, its a dynamic mic, but was used on last album of RHCP and incybus, on voice.

I agree with the SM7 but would also suggest taking a listen to an RE20.

I do not know if the other posters are even reading you question. If you are looking to get a bigger sound on voice overs and you are currently using a chinese LDC the switch to one of the the absolute classic dynamic voice over mics seems like the only logical choice. You have to know these mics if you are a voiceover guy. They are the standards. I think you would be very happy with either.


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