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I’m looking to buy a http://www.PreSonus… PreSonus[/]="http://www.PreSonus… PreSonus[/] AudioBox USB, however I don’t know much about this stuff and I need some help.

Currently I don’t have any studio monitors or headphones that would connect to the AudioBox, but do I really need studio monitors or a pair of headphones?

For example, if I connect both my microphone and my keyboard will I be able to hear anything I’m recording while I’m actually recording it if I don’t have any headphones or monitors? Because after I finish recording I can just listen back to everything through my computer no?

Hopefully that makes sense, this is all new to me, but thanks.

(Side Note)
I do have iPod headphones, I just don't have any headphones with a 1/4” TRS cable. And if I understand this correctly that's what I need for the AudioBox.


vttom Mon, 05/09/2011 - 11:42

If your computer already has speakers of some sort, then you're OK. For instance, I record with GarageBand on my iMac using the Presonus AudioBox USB. I've setup GarageBand to take input from the Audiobox, but to send its output to the built-in audio system of the iMac.

Just make sure you turn off monitoring in your DAW software so you don't get feedback in the microphone channel of the recording.

The drawback with such a setup is that you can't do layering. Which is to say, record the keyboard by itself, and then play back the keyboard track while you record the vocal track with the microphone. To do that you'll need headphones. Otherwise, you'll capture some of the keyboard playback in the vocal track recording.

brian22 Mon, 05/09/2011 - 14:04

Hey, thank you very much, that helped a lot. But now I have 2 new questions haha.

First, I believe that with the [[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.presonus…"]PreSonus[/]="http://www.presonus…"]PreSonus[/] AudioBox USB you can record two tracks at once. Do you know if this is right? For instance if I plug my keyboard into one input and my microphone in another could I record them both at the same time?

The other question I have is, say I did want to do some layering, would I be able to plug my iPod earbuds into my computer after I recorded my keyboard and than listen back to it that way, and than record vocals in order to avoid capturing some of the keyboard playback?

Again hopefully that makes sense, and thank you.

vttom Tue, 05/10/2011 - 10:35

The answer to both questions is "yes".

BTW - If you're using a MIDI keyboard, you might want to consider using the keyboard's MIDI out into the AudioBox's MIDI in and recording the MIDI in your DAW instead of the audio out of the keyboard. That way, you can play with the voicing (assuming your DAW has multiple software instruments to choose from) without have to re-record. Also, you can go in and fix wrong notes in the MIDI "scroll" without having to re-record.

vttom Tue, 05/10/2011 - 10:38

I should've mentioned... The above setup is precisely what my wife and I do all the time. We record a solo violin via microphone and the piano accompaniment via MIDI simultaneously. If my wife flubs a few notes on the piano, we can correct it after the fact without having to re-record anything.

nightjar Tue, 05/10/2011 - 12:30

brian22, post: 370627 wrote: I do have iPod headphones, I just don't have any headphones with a 1/4” TRS cable. And if I understand this correctly that's what I need for the AudioBox.

Little side note.... you can get a 1/8" to 1/4" adapter to use your iPod headphones with the solution until you can afford some other phones...

RemyRAD Wed, 05/11/2011 - 10:52

Sure that's a great package, if you like your operatic recordings sounding like rock 'n roll with a little rap and hip-hop thrown in for bad measures. Much of this software has progressed to the point of all being fairly similar to one another. It's sort of like what kind of soap you like to use, or toothpaste. All are the same but all are better than one another. If you want to use the best toothpaste, you'll have to buy all of them.

You are on your way to producing... Something.
Mx. Remy Ann David

dvdhawk Wed, 05/11/2011 - 15:29

PreSonus' Studio One Artist, is perfectly capable. However, you'll want the "Pro" version if you plan on using VST plug-ins by other vendors. There are other new features in the upgrade. You [=""]download a pdf[/]="http://www.presonus…"]download a pdf[/] about the differences at the [[url=http://="http://www.presonus…"]PreSonus website[/]="http://www.presonus…"]PreSonus website[/].

and I'd use this [[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.radiosha…"]Radio Shack headphone adapter[/]="http://www.radiosha…"]Radio Shack headphone adapter[/] to your stereo iPod earbuds in a 1/4" jack.


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