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Hi, I'm currently havinf the following problem. My Soundcraft FX16 Mixer won't turn on, I dont know what could this be. I'm using a digi002 between a PowerMacG5 and the mixer. I have a compressor, EQ and Rev unit that I use through the mixer. it seems I'm stucked or just messed up. What would you people recommend to solve this problem.

In case of having to change or replace my Soundcraft FX16 Mixer what would you recommend?



AudioGaff Sun, 05/08/2005 - 13:54

If you want real help around here, I'd suggest you start using a more descriptive subject in your postings. I'm known to delete postings that are not specific.

Your unit is need of repair. Take it to a qualified tech and have them look at it. It is likely related to the power supply as that is a common problem on most gear.

Guest Sun, 05/08/2005 - 18:25

zemlin wrote: it is plugged in?

Sorry, I had to laugh. Not that you didn't have it plugged up. Anyhow....
...It sounds like a simple problem. I am certain you will figure it out, but please let us know what it was, after you get it solved. So we can "HELP" the next guy.
Hope it's something simple!
Good luck

frob Mon, 05/09/2005 - 08:50

is there a switch tied to the same line? like a wall switch that never gets used. are all the devises pluged into the same plug/wall? are you sure its not a house breaker? have you switched the power cord? try useing the power cord from the mixxer with anouther devise (only if they use the same type)

and if it wasnt pluged in dont feel bad its asked because it gets done all the time... ...just not by me. right? :)

anonymous Mon, 05/09/2005 - 11:07

Yes, of course it is plugged,

frob wrote:

"is there a switch tied to the same line? like a wall switch that never gets used. are all the devises pluged into the same plug/wall? are you sure its not a house breaker? have you switched the power cord? try useing the power cord from the mixxer with anouther devise (only if they use the same type"

I tried all of these before posting my message, believe me, I wouldnt post such a message without trying to sort out the problem through the simple, obvious way, Ive tried everything, and it wont turn on.

thanks to everyone

Guest Mon, 05/09/2005 - 16:24

zemlin wrote: Regarding "Is it plugged in" - I don't question your abilities - but I know I've smacked myself in the head more than once .I know I'm not the only one.

Yeah that would be me too :oops:
Damn it all.
Now if I can only find that pencil I'll been looking for, for the last 20 minutes.
Wait :!: .... what's this behind my ear? :shock:

Here it is..... :oops: Damn it ALL :twisted:


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